Mufasa came out on Dec 20, 2025. Mufasa is about Simba’s dad Mufasa and his background. Mufasa lost his parents and found a new pack. It’s not long before him and his new brother get into trouble. And the trouble ends with both of them being chased down!
Mufasa really explains a lot about Simba’s dad. It’s a great pair to the Lion King. Now let’s hear from somebody who has watched Mufasa, Fiona Sheehy. “I thought it was a great movie, it gave Scar more credit because in the Lion King Scar is really bad, but in Mufasa Scar is not as bad.” You heard it from Fiona, Mufasa is a good movie to watch if you haven’t
Antonio Ortiz Cobos • Mar 18, 2025 at 9:52 PM
Great review! I have to see this movie!