SOOP Theaters’ mainstage production of “The Little Mermaid Jr.” is being performed through March. SOOP Theatre is a kids theatre company in Pelham, NY. There are two casts: Cast A and Cast B, and they all are working extremely hard to get the show ready for people to watch. They are very excited to show it!
SOOP’s director, Paul Romanello, organizes the show. Lena Gilbert is the choreographer, and Mick Julita is the music director. Auditions for the musical were held on December 16 and December 17. Roles were cast a few days later. “I’m really excited about being in the production,” Emilija Stankunas in 5P, who is playing Attina the mersister, said. “My favorite part is ‘She’s in Love’ because it’s a showstopper.” Tickets are $30 each, so hopefully we’ll see you at the show!
Last year’s performance was “Annie, Jr.” Many people came to watch. Maybe even more people will come this year. It’s already coming together nicely, think about how beautiful it’ll be when it’s finished! After two months of hard work, these talented actors will finally get to shine. Both casts are so excited to share it! Make sure you don’t miss it. Shows are March 21-23 weekend!