Lunar New Year is a holiday that we celebrate once a year at Colonial school. We learn a lion dance and twirl ribbons around the gym. In this article you will learn all about the lunar new year and what it was like at our school.
Lunar New Year is all about family, friends, celebration, and traditions. One of those traditions is sadly having to clean your house to get rid of the bad luck and make room for new luck. Fun fact: did you know that Lunar New Year is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. Big and small places like China, Taiwan, and Malaysia celebrate this amazing holiday.
To celebrate the Lunar New Year at colonial school people came and did ribbon dances and some of the students even got to use the ribbons. There were also dances like the flower dance and in some of those dances the performers used some wooden sticks and clashed them together in some parts of the dance to make noise.
In all we had a great Lunar New Year and I hope you did too.