Field VS Upper Playground. Who Wins?
The Field and the Upper playground both have benefits and some downsides. But which one is the best to play on?
When asked about which recess area was his favorite, Jack Schwanbeck said “I like the upper playground more because there are many more options. For example, there’s kickball, four-square, benches, basketball, wall ball and a big playground!”
The field also has a lot of pros. The field is a wide open place so there can be many different varieties of sports to be played. One con about the field though, is that one of the most popular games kickball is played on the uneven grounds which, sometimes interferes with play. A pro about the field is that it is great for football. The field also has provided a lot of exercise for many kids.
Fourth grader Brady Khan said, “I definitely like the field more because it provides more space for people to play.”
In conclusion, it seems that both areas are loved by all of the students. Preferences of the playground areas are based on what students like to play at recess.
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